District by the Sea presents to you “Samatha” in collaboration with Mohsin and Selwyn.
At Samatha, we invite you on a journey where Music leads the way into our bodies minds and hearts. And into the places that are stuck within us.
Mohsin is a Certified Mindfulness Meditation Teacher and founder of The Karachi Drum Circle who believes in the practice of community, faith, and stillness. He facilitates Mindfulness Meditation training and conducts Drumcircles to cultivate the power of community, love, and faith.
@Selwyn is A musician from Karachi spreading healing through the different frequencies of music. Has held multiple Music For Wellness sessions at corporates like Engro, Mental Health Organisations like Saaya Health, and Indus Hospital Karachi.
Join us for an evening of exploration through sound, love, community, and meditation,
Date: Saturday, 30th July 2022
Timings: 5 pm onwards
Cover charge: 3000/- per person( tickets available at
* You have to reach the destination on your own
*The location is at the beach and not District 19 Korangi
* Location will be disclosed to only registered candidates
* Kindly please be on time
* Only 20 seats available
* Limited capacity
#districtbythesea #drumcirclekarachi #musictheraphy #samatha #district19khi #musicmeditation #karachievents
District By The Sea Presents - SAMATHA
Share:Date & Time:
30 Jul, 2022 05:00 PM
District by the sea, Manora Drive, Keamari, Karachi, Pakistan